Base Readers

The logic for downloading data from the web is implemented in the base classes that are documented here. The base classes are not intended to be used directly but rather to be subclassed by the specific readers which implement the logic to parse the data.

The BaseRequestsReader is a wrapper around the requests library and is used by scrapers that do not require JavaScript to be executed. The BaseSeleniumReader is a wrapper around the selenium library and is used by scrapers that require JavaScript to be executed.

class soccerdata._common.BaseRequestsReader(leagues=None, proxy=None, no_cache=False, no_store=False, data_dir=PosixPath('/home/docs/soccerdata/data'))

Base class for readers that use the Python requests module.

  • leagues (str | list[str] | None)

  • proxy (str | dict[str, str] | list[dict[str, str]] | Callable[[], dict[str, str]] | None)

  • no_cache (bool)

  • no_store (bool)

  • data_dir (Path)

classmethod available_leagues()

Return a list of league IDs available for this source.

Return type:


get(url, filepath=None, max_age=None, no_cache=False, var=None)

Load data from url.

By default, the source of url is downloaded and saved to filepath. If filepath exists, the url is not visited and the cached data is returned.

  • url (str) – URL to download.

  • filepath (Path, optional) – Path to save downloaded file. If None, downloaded data is not cached.

  • max_age (int for age in days, or timedelta object) – The max. age of locally cached file before re-download.

  • no_cache (bool) – If True, will not use cached data. Overrides the class property.

  • var (str or list of str, optional) – Return a JavaScript variable instead of the page source.


TypeError – If max_age is not an integer or timedelta object.


File-like object of downloaded data.

Return type:


property leagues: list[str]

Return a list of selected leagues.

property seasons: list[str]

Return a list of selected seasons.

class soccerdata._common.BaseSeleniumReader(leagues=None, proxy=None, no_cache=False, no_store=False, data_dir=PosixPath('/home/docs/soccerdata/data'), path_to_browser=None, headless=True)

Base class for readers that use Selenium.

  • leagues (str | list[str] | None)

  • proxy (str | dict[str, str] | list[dict[str, str]] | Callable[[], dict[str, str]] | None)

  • no_cache (bool)

  • no_store (bool)

  • data_dir (Path)

  • path_to_browser (Path | None)

  • headless (bool)

classmethod available_leagues()

Return a list of league IDs available for this source.

Return type:


get(url, filepath=None, max_age=None, no_cache=False, var=None)

Load data from url.

By default, the source of url is downloaded and saved to filepath. If filepath exists, the url is not visited and the cached data is returned.

  • url (str) – URL to download.

  • filepath (Path, optional) – Path to save downloaded file. If None, downloaded data is not cached.

  • max_age (int for age in days, or timedelta object) – The max. age of locally cached file before re-download.

  • no_cache (bool) – If True, will not use cached data. Overrides the class property.

  • var (str or list of str, optional) – Return a JavaScript variable instead of the page source.


TypeError – If max_age is not an integer or timedelta object.


File-like object of downloaded data.

Return type:


property leagues: list[str]

Return a list of selected leagues.

property seasons: list[str]

Return a list of selected seasons.